Friday, July 2, 2010

Loisaba - It never happens how you want it to except for Dik Diks galore

It never happens how you want it to except for Dik Diks galore!

As we landed at Loisaba, the first question I was asked was what animal we were likely to see the most of in the area. Amanda and Seb, who had joined us from Nairobi, smiled wryly as for those of you who know Loisaba, that is not a particularly difficult question to answer, it can only be the Dik Dik. It is tiny, shy, cute and absolutely everywhere. Jake and I decided to call it the ‘scooby snack’ as it can only be classed as peanut size for a predator’s appetite. By the time we had reached the lodge the count was already at 20 and we had only driven for 10 minutes – imagine how many we saw over the next 3 days! 

We had worked hard at Amboseli so I was going to try and let everyone relax a little more in the confines of this luxurious accommodation, the Pressman’s were on holiday after all. Well, it never happened. It hardly ever happens how you want it to! Between quad bikes, horses, camels, white water rafting, walking, swimming, bocce and tennis everyone was kept busy having fun. We were non stop from start to finish and there was certainly no time in there for a siesta!
We did do some lovely game drives and saw plenty of elephant, Grevy’s zebra, Grant’s gazelle, Red hartebeest, Beisa oryx and Reticulated giraffe. A visit to Mugie ranch is always a great option also as you might be fortunate enough to see Black rhino so we gave it a go. We met up with Bernard, the local wildlife conservationist, and in between game viewing he gave us a run down on everything about the area. Before going to Mugie I had told everyone that Black rhinos were solitary and White rhinos were gregarious so you can imagine the haranguing I got when we ended up seeing 3 Black rhino together then 2 another Black rhino together and only 1 White rhino, well there were some laughs. As a guide it never happens how you want it to!

After a night at the Star Beds it is off to the Maasai Mara for some serious big cat watching.

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